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Ferguson Accounts, LLC


This letter confirms the terms of our tax engagement for the tax year(s) prepared and the nature and extent of the professional services I will provide. 


As requested, Ferguson Accounts will prepare your U.S. Individual Income Tax Return and State Individual Income Tax Return along with any supporting schedules and forms. At your direction We will submit your returns to the appropriate tax authorities in electronic for or provide you with paper copies for you to sign and file with the Federal and Nebraska tax authorities. 


We will provide you with a copy of your returns for your permanent records. 


You will provide Ferguson Accounts with all information necessary for the preparation of complete and accurate income tax returns, including income and deductions listed on forms W-2s, 1099s, written summaries, receipts, canceled checks and other records required to substantiate the items of income and expense reported on your return. We will make no audit or other verifications of the information you provide, although we may need you to clarify some of the information provided. We retain copies of some of the supporting documents. 


We will use professional judgment in resolving question where the tax law is unclear or where there are conflicts between taxing authorities’ interpretations of the law and other supportable positions, based on the tax law and its interpretations, as we perceive them for the period covered by your return. Unless instructed by you, we will resolve such question in your favor whenever possible. 


By accepting this letter, you certify that you are providing me with complete information related to your income deductions. 


You’re responsible for all items and amounts of income and expenses are reported correctly on your income tax return. You will review and approve the return before it is submitted in electronic or paper for. We are not responsible for the length of time it takes tax authorities to process your returns. Our work in connection with the preparation of your income tax return does not include any procedures designed to discover defalcations or other irregularities, should exits. 

During our work, if we discover information that affects your prior-year tax returns, we will make you aware of such facts. We are not responsible for identifying all items that may affect prior-year returns. 


You understand your tax returns are subject to inquiry/examination by taxing authorities. In the event of an examination, taxing authorities may require you to produce documents, records, and evidence to substantiate the items of income and deductions shown on your return. You are responsible for retaining and providing to the tax authorities such information. In the event of such government examination, we will be available upon your request to represent you and will render an invoice for time and expenses incurred at that time. 


We do not disclose any of your information to third parties. We protect your right to privacy in all cases. 

If you agree to this letter and understand our tax engagement, please sign and date below. 


We appreciate your business. 


Kiara Ferguson 



© 2024 Ferguson Accounts, LLC

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